Monday, June 18, 2012

Twitter Marketing Errors That You Should Know About

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by Clifford Massey
Twitter is a fun place for online internet marketers, but if you screw up, you will lose possible customers. Try to stay away from the following Twitter marketing errors.

Don't lose track of your main goals when you send out your tweets, which should be to display your knowledge and generate website traffic. So don't make the mistake of being too irrelevant when you're tweeting. It's a good idea to make your tweets as relevant to your niche as possible. Many people like to tweet about their everyday lives, but this isn't a good marketing strategy. Don't waste your valuable tweets talking about your cat. Keep your tweets on the subject that you targeted your followers for.

Once in a while it's okay to go off topic and send random tweets that are shocking, inspiring or plain interesting. The point is to stay within your niche most of the time, because this is how you can market your products most effectively. Last but not the least, the content of your tweets should be checked and double checked before you send it out because you don't want to end up tweeting something that you didn't intend to.

Another Twitter marketing mistake is being a little too polite with your Twitter followers. Yes, you shouldn't bombard them with hundreds of tweets in a day, but at the same time, you have to stay in the forefront. In order for this to happen, you have to tweet consistently so that you will remain on their minds. Don't start substituting your quality tweets with a large quantity of lackluster tweets. It is perfectly fine to tweet if you can provide useful information. Do two things at once by blowing your competition away by giving your followers valuable message after message. This will not make them angry. In fact they would be more than happy to see you so active.

If you haven't been on Twitter for long, don't try to accumulate thousands of followers until you've posted some good tweets first. If you want to attract targeted followers, you have to make your tweets a good match for the kind of people you are going after. If your target market is, for example, gardening, then it makes sense for you to post tweets with helpful gardening tips. This is a simple but very effective way to gain a large number of followers. When your potential followers visit your page, they will see that you're constantly updated, which will obviously make it easy for them to follow you. Apart from that, when you're actually focusing on creating a strong following in your target market, you want them to choose you over the competition.

In conclusion, the mistakes outlined in this article are very common, and that's only because new marketers don't put in the required effort to actually get past them. A good marketer will keep his eyes open so that he doesn't get caught making easily avoidable mistakes like these.
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